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Album Reviews (2023) +


The new album was released yesterday and the results are very dissapointing. 

72 Seasons kicks ass roughly half the time. Not bad, all things considered, but it still leaves you with 30-plus minutes to sit through. The strongest songs tend to travel at the breakneck speed of vintage thrash metal; the weakest edge back toward the midtempo hard rock of Metallica’s ’90s albums. One upside to the excessive runtimes is that even the lackluster tracks might have at least one redeeming moment. Often enough, it’s Hammett’s lead playing. His solo on “If Darkness Had a Son” is like a miniature composition unto itself, with its own dramatic arc, from long bluesy bends to frenzied shredding. Elsewhere, he’s less deliberate, more impulsively expressive, slamming on the whammy bar and wah pedal in passages that have more to do with razor-edged texture than melody. After years of Metallica albums with little if any soloing, 72 Seasons is worth playing if only for the chance to hear one of metal’s greatest guitarists ripping in top form again.

Of course, it wouldn’t be a new Metallica album without a gripe about the production. For 72 Seasons, one potential issue is that the drums—bear with me here—sound too good. Too precise, really, with every snare thwacking and kick thumping at exactly the same volume, with exactly the same articulation, all at a tempo so locked in it seems inhuman. I wondered, almost as soon as I turned it on, with the hi-hat on the opening title track ticking along like a literal metronome, whether there might have been some drum programming involved. I turned to Reddit and found several fans vociferously debating the same question.

 - Queens of the Stone Age - "In Times New Roman..." (2023)

The new album was released yesterday and the results are very dissapointing. 

Like many of us, Joshua Homme has had a rough few years. Unlike most of us, the Queens of the Stone Age frontman’s troubles have been splattered across the music press. He’s been embroiled in an acrimonious custody dispute with ex-wife Brody Dalle; has filed restraining orders against Dalle (who has also filed restraining orders against him); has undergone surgery following a cancer diagnosis; and has grieved multiple close friends, including former bandmate Mark Lanegan. “This has been the darkest four years of my life,” Homme recently told Revolver, an admission that humanizes a rock star who has long played with cartoonishly villainous personas on record.

 - Protomartyr - "Formal Growth in the Desert" (2023)

The new album was released yesterday and the results are very dissapointing. 

“Make Way”’s other drawback: It’s the least lyrically specific song on an album replete with unbelievable details. When he sings about deserving love and the dangers of solitude on “Rain Garden,” Casey delivers the album’s best vocal performance while his bandmates build to the magnitude of an orchestra. Meanwhile, he’s asking you to consider the symbolism of a half-full Baja Blast in a parking lot behind a Coney Island restaurant. Elsewhere, a tragedy about two lovers dying in a car—lost on the way to the titular fulfillment center—begins with the admission that these people are a plot device to make the song “more heartbreaking.” Such sharp, fourth wall-busting writing this deep into their discography isn’t a given. Formal Growth in the Desert is a remedy for spiritual depletion: a promise to stay open when there seems to be nothing left.


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