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"Sigur Ros releases NEW album, fans cannot believe it”

At the beginning of the week, we didn’t know we’d be met at week’s end by a new Sigur Rós album. Today, Átta is here—the first Sigur Rós album to feature returning keyboardist Kjartan “Kjarri” Sveinsson since his departure in 2012. He joins Jónsi and Georg “Goggi” Holm on an album they’ve described as “sparse” and “floaty.” Featuring assistance from the London Contemporary Orchestra and Icelandic brass musicians Brassgat í bala, the album includes the single “Blóðberg.”

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Dani Filth Calls Spotify “The Biggest Criminals in the World”

“It’s been deteriorating ever since… I think 2006 was the year that everything swapped from being comfortable for musicians — well, not necessarily comfortable; it was never comfortable. But [it went to] just being a lot harder with the onset of the digital age, the onset of music streaming platforms that don’t pay anybody. Like Spotify are the biggest criminals in the world. I think we had 25, 26 million plays last year, and I think personally I got about 20 pounds, which is less than an hourly work rate.

“For example, the other day my girlfriend… She’s got an ill cat; her cat’s very sick and needed a life-or-death operation. She’s a well-known tattooist, and she posted a thing online about… a GoFundMe for her cat, and she was gonna do a raffle and people could win a tattoo, et cetera, et cetera. The point of it is a lot of people were, like, ‘Why the fuck should we pay for your cat? You’re going out with a multimillionaire?’ And she was, like, ‘Excuse me, I don’t think you understand how the music industry works nowadays. One, he’s not a multimillionaire at all. Two, I’m my own person, and this has nothing to do with him.’”


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